Once called “Extreme Unction” and “The Last Rites” due to how important it is for those who are dying, the Anointing of the Sick grants strength, peace, and spiritual healing to all those who are sick and suffering, allowing them to unite their sufferings to those of Christ for their own Salvation and that of the whole world. It also asks God to grant them physical healing.
Please immediately contact our parish office (717) 774-5918 if you or a loved one are admitted to the hospital and/or are in danger of death, so that a priest may come to visit you and celebrate this Sacrament with you as soon as possible.
Additionally, if you are preparing for any serious surgery, which includes any procedure involving general anesthesia, or are suffering from any serious illness, such as cancer, please contact our parish office at (717) 774-5918, stop by our office when it is open to see if a priest is available, or speak with one of our priests following any Mass.