Registration for 2024-2025 Religious Education Classes for Preschool and Grades 1 – 8 is NOW OPEN.
As parents, our most important task is to guide our children toward Heaven. The Office of Parish Faith Formation is here to support you in that task by providing quality religious instruction and opportunities for spiritual growth. The Parish Religious Education Program are for children of the parish in Grades 1 -8 who attend a public, private, or home school other than Saint Theresa School.
Children should attend one of the two programs offered: the Traditional Program or the Family Program.
Formerly called CCD, the TRADITIONAL PROGRAM runs from September to May. Classes are held in the school.
All students must be registered each year. A fee schedule is published annually, and an early registration discount is given to those who register by May 15. The use of "Smart Money" is encouraged and can be used to cover the cost of tuition of Religious Education. Financial Assistance is available to those in need. Click to Make a Payment.
Our religious education programs rely on volunteers to serve as catechists, aids, substitutes and facilitators. All volunteers in youth programs MUST comply with the Diocesan Youth Protection Program to be eligible to serve. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the Coordinator of Parish Religious Formation at (717) 774-5918.
Please direct any questions about our programs or volunteering to Adalene Noll at (717) 774-5918 or