Our Parish Preschool Program is open to children ages 4 and 5 and children enrolled in Kindergarten. Using the Seeds curriculum from Pflaum Publishing, the children participate in weekly lessons that include teaching, songs and crafts. The program is held Sunday mornings during the 10:00 a.m. Mass from September through April and meets in the Scout Room on the lower level of the church, down the staircase near the organ.
Preregistration is required each year. The cost is $25 for parishioners/$30 year for non-parishioners.
Two important notes:
1) If your child is new to the program, please submit a copy of his or her baptismal certificate to the Religious Education Office.
2) Please note that this program is not a babysitting service. Our expectation is that you are attending Mass while your child participates in the preschool program. In the event of an emergency, we may need to reach you quickly. Parents who do not respect this policy will be required to withdraw their child from this program.
Our religious education programs rely on volunteers to serve as catechists, aids, substitutes and facilitators. All volunteers in youth programs MUST comply with the Diocesan Youth Protection Program to be eligible to serve. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the Coordinator of Parish Religious Formation at (717) 774-5918.
If you are ready to register your child for the Saint Theresa Parish Preschool Program, you can register online or print and return your registration form to the parish office. Then please remit your payment either online or to the parish office.
Register for Preschool
Printable Preschool Form
Make a Payment